A very pleasant Filth free evening last night. Hubby Filth Finder General decided to take me out for a meal, a very welcome change from the norm, no computers and the phones left at home.
After a teeny, tiny lie-in this morning I go through my usual morning routine of cleaning the conservatory before I unleash the "demons of hell" or to use their Sunday names, Boo and Buddy, my 10 week old ferrets. After much toe nipping, bouncing and dooking (Google it), I took up my habitual position in front of the PC.
I sign on to BDF and what do I find? not one but two threads dedicated to little old me, how fabulous. Wondering if they had put anything even remotely interesting or new about me I scanned through the posts only to find, to my dismay, that it was just full of the same old lies and accusations.
One thread contained a rather a bizarre YouTube video and the insinuation that I look like a bear???
The other thread was slightly more interesting as is was started by your friend and mine, Filth member Fruitbat, aka Gary Tumulty (Salford Organiser and boyfriend of OATAPS) who is posting on there as RWB Salford. This is his opening post:
"NO PLATFORM for reds just boycott her, i do"
He claims in another post that I am a part of Fleetwood UAF and that if you, "go on there site you can see her" (the word is their Gary, not there. Bless him, he's thick). I Googled Fleetwood UAF and found THEIR blog and FB page, no sign of me on either of them I afraid Gary.
Next accusation, that I am on the UAF mailing list, he even provides a link to it which takes you to a big long list of email addresses that I can't even be bothered looking at, I can assure you though that my GENUINE email address will not on there.
Then they seem to gather a little pack mentality, with another couple of posters joining in calling themselves "slocombe" and "Adolf the 2nd", I know, you couldn't make it up.
After much toing and froing, they finally come to the conclusion that I work for Searchlight and am on their payroll, that someone needs to come to my house to watch me leave for work and that I post on the BDF under the alias of John Hanks.
Sorry to disappoint you but, I don't work, haven't for about 3 years, although I do help out with various aspects of my Husband's business.
One of you is more than welcome to sit outside my house and watch me leave for work, as I don't work, I would suggest that you bring plenty of provisions as you are going to be there for a while.
And posting using an alias????? How very dare you, I have more style than that my darlings.
Anything I have ever said or written has been in my own name and I have openly admitted who I am on this blog more than once, unlike you little intellectually challenged cretins who post under pseudonyms.
I have not and will not accuse or expose anyone without proof, as we all know, I love my proof. If I intend to accuse someone who is going under a fake name, I will first gather evidence as to that persons true identity before doing anything. Anyhoo, there we have it, yet another example of Party Officials, attacking and making ludicrous accusations against a fellow Party member. Boring I know, but typical of some of the Officials left. And these people wanted the public to vote them into their local Councils, possibly even into Parliament, it beggars belief.
I can only wonder what delights today will bring.
1 comment:
I am rarely online in the evening anyway, I have the occasional look on my phone and will comment on something if I can be bothered, but my nights are, 9 times out of 10, internet free.
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