About Me
Some Myths Busted.
I have alluded to, elsewhere in this blog, being an honest person, as the Filth Finder General, I have to be. But here are a few things, that no doubt The Filth will try and throw at me, better to get in there first I think.
- They will obviously attempt to use the red/state smear, fine, show us the proof.
- They will refer to the fact that I had a little crush and made a bit of a fool of myself towards a Party member in Yorkshire, again fine, but old news.
- They will then tell you that I am a "whore", "prostitute", "sex worker" etc. This refers to the fact that about 3 years ago I worked as an adult chat line operator (yeah, yeah, ok a sex line). What they wont tell you is that I did it for a month, part time, (less than 20 hours in total) and was sacked because 1. I couldn't stop laughing and 2. I wasn't actually very good at it.
- They will also claim that they have been warning people about me for a long time, one person even claims he "exposed" me 2 years ago. Now let me work it out, I have been a member for just over 2 years, since June 8th 2009, I was made admin on the Official pages around September(ish) of 2009, so if you "exposed" me as UAF 2 years ago, why was I still made admin and stayed admin until the middle of February this year, some 18 plus months AFTER you supposedly "exposed" me. Why didn't you report me? and if you did, why didn't anything happen?
- Another one they will try is that I was "dragged" or "pulled" out of a meeting by security because I had, apparently, been "outed" as a red and had leaked the venue details. Now, if that was true, would they have then allowed me back into the meeting which ran for another hour, allowed me to have my picture taken with the Chairman (NG), allowed me to speak to a certain ex-Deputy Leader (SD) who gave me his mobile number so that we could discuss how we were going to take the FB pages forward?
Would they have also allowed me to then carry on moderating all the official pages on FB for a further month, until I decided to leave them, would they have offered to pay for me to go up and stay in Cumbria for a couple of days where I could go into the office and get properly aquainted with how they wanted me to run the pages and would they have offered to put me on the payroll.
All that AFTER I was supposedly "exposed"? Hmmmmmm I don't think so, do you?
So there you have it pretty much. Nothing to hide and no problem admitting to something if I have actually done or said it.