This blog has been set up to expose a group of people I call "The Filth", they are a strange bunch of misfits, deviants and ne're do wells, that in the real world probably couldn't muster enough intelligence between them to dress themselves without having to call another member for help.
For some strange reason, The Filth, have been given positions of importance and a degree of power.
Now, as you will know, with power, comes responsibility. Unfortunately, The Filth are about as responsible as a 15 year old chav on Lambrini.
Admittedly they do good things, are very active within their chosen cause and to the untrained eye, present themselves as good boys and girls.
This is fairly easy, in fact, they have a checklist:
1 x Bumper Book Of Fake Names
1 x Bumper Book Of Excuses
1 x Bumper Book Of Bullshit (although The Beginners Guide To Talking Bollocks will suffice)
At least one Facebook profile
At least one British Democracy Forum account
At least one email account although must be prepared to set up many
With their checklist complete they can begin their assault on some poor, unsuspecting and perfectly innocent individual(s), usually women, or someone running as a Leadership Challenger.
But, there is a darker side to The Filth, a side of lies, deceit and terror. Whispered tales of hate groups, bullying, backstabbing, fake names, quotes from the Magna Carta and even the most terrifying of actions............. I am almost too afraid to write it...............
Chaining yourself to your own fence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES!! yes, I know Filth Followers, it is truly enough to strike fear into the bravest of warriors.
But fear not valiant Filthees, for truth, justice and the British way is on our side.
On this blog we will be exposing some of their crimes, their lies, their sheer stupidity and even their names, using the power of............................
THE SCREEN SHOT !!!!!!!!!!! (quite frankly, the best invention since the wheel in my humble opinion, not as good as the toaster obviously, but it comes a close second)
So are you ready Filthees?
Then join me on our quest............
And let's enter..........
THE FILTH FILES !!!! (cue evil laugh) MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!
Disclaimer: No members of The Filth or Filthees were harmed during the making of this blog.