Monday 12 September 2011

Have I Gone Totally Mental?

I am not going to go into too much detail with this one, mainly because I am not in possession of all the facts.

I really do feel though that I have to mention the recent court case involving Darren Lumb. As we all know, Darren is not my biggest fan and nor am I his, however, all that put aside, can someone please explain to me how on earth he was found guilty of using racially aggravated threatening or insulting words and behaviour last week?

The alleged incident was supposed to have taken place on the 23rd April this year. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't that the weekend of the replica fire arms scandal that Lancaster Unity, in particular, took great delight in posting all over the internet, along with pictures?

Now could it be that Darren has had us fooled all along, is actually the world's cleverest man and has been beavering away in a laboratory where he has discovered the secret of time travel? could it be the case that Doctor Who isn't fictional and really based on Darren's life?

Lancs Unity even posted an article this week regarding Darren's appearance in court although they have the evidence on their own blog proving he could not have even been at the garage at the time this incident was supposed to have taken place.

Bearing in mind that the 2 witnesses for the prosecution whose stories didn't match were up against 8 people in defence of Darren who all agreed that he was in a different place at the time and you have what could possibly be one of the worst court judgements I have seen for while.

I am led to believe that Darren will be appealing the court's ruling and so he bloody well should in my opinion. He should also have the full backing of the Party although I fear that they may be a little pre-occupied with their own court battles at the moment.

Let's not kid ourselves though, if Darren wasn't a member of the BNP the case would never have even made it as far as it did.

I will go out on a limb here and not offer the hand of friendship as such, but the pocket of a fellow Nationalist and offer to donate funds towards any further action that Darren chooses to take. We back down far too easily in cases like this and it is normally due to monetary issues.

So the offer is there should he choose to accept it and any person who is aiding Darren in this matter can easily contact me via this blog or Facebook to arrange the payment.

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