Sunday 11 September 2011

Double Standards Again

Oh how nice it must be when you are a part of the "inner circle" or Team Griffin as I like to call it. You can pretty much get away with doing anything that would land any person who has dared to question an expulsion or suspension letter, like me.

This week, we have seen Claire Khaw, who was recently expelled from the Party, attend and speak at a meeting in London, she is even shown on a video featured on the main website.

Rumour has it that certain people are not happy bunnies about this and an Official complaint has been lodged.

Rightly so in my opinion. If a suspended member is forbidden to attend any Party event including meetings, then surely the same would be the case for expelled members. For instance, can you imagine the outrage if an expelled or even suspended Brons sympathiser spoke at a meeting. 

I can guarantee that were I to attend a Party event during my suspension period and people found out that all hell would break loose, particularly among the Yorkshire, Liverpool and Burnley Massives.

Yet Ms Khaw, who we all know has been treading a very fine line for some time now and was finally expelled for posting some vile comments regarding disabled children, was welcomed at the meeting and it would seem that there will be no action taken against her or the Party Official(s) who invited her. Why? they're Team Griffin.

Now, on a similar note. As you know, I was suspended for this blog and comments that I made on my Facebook profile. It's a fair cop Guv, I was and am in breach of the Constitution.

However, it would seem that if you are a member of Team Griffin, the Constitution is nothing more than toilet paper.

Let me point you in the direction of the Code Of Conduct, Annex 2, Section 12 where it clearly states:

"The spreading of false or malicious rumours shall be considered an offence against this Code Of Conduct."

I bring into evidence the following screenshot taken from the gorgeous Danny Cooke's FB profile. Bear in mind that Danny Boy is not only a staunch Griffinite but also Deputy Regional Organiser for Yorkshire:

Here he is along with Darren Lumb, posting as Son-of Barnsdale and also Wakefield Organiser with our old friend Chris Vanns, professional blob fish look-a-like, suggesting that I work for Lancaster Unity.

Now forgive me, but is that not "the spreading of false or malicious rumours"?

Also take into account that in the same section of the Constitution, item 4, which states the following:

"All members are expected at all times to conduct themselves in a manner that will bring credit upon our Party and to refrain from any acts, whether from a party political or private motive and whether political or private in nature, which are likely to bring our Party into disrepute."

Really? Are there exceptions and if there are, are these them:

Let's also not forget that Darren Lumb only this week was found guilty of of using racially aggravated threatening or insulting words and behaviour, fined £250 and given a 12 month conditional discharge. Although to be fair the whole thing was a farce. I am using the example purely to make a double standards point, not a miscarriage of justice one.

Obviously that is not classed as bringing the Party into disrepute if you are one of the lucky members of Team Griffin.

So as you can see, when using the Constitution to bring any action against a Party member, it depends what "team" you are on as to the degree of punishment, or even, whether you are punished at all.

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