Tuesday 13 September 2011

Back To The Norm

While I stand by everything I said in my post about Darren Lumb yesterday, I have decided that being nice doesn't produce the same warm and fuzzy feeling inside that being a bitch does. Therefore normal service has been resumed.

My victim of the hour shall be Rachel Firth, on/off girlfriend of the gorgeous Danny Cooke, Filth Files code name: Melted Welly.

Someone sent me this screenshot this morning and I just can't help but respond:

I have been told that this comment is on an FB status which does not mention me at all and is actually about a good friend of mine.

How odd then that Rachel should feel the need to mention me. Should I be checking the hedges again for long lenses?

She claims that I don't like to see anyone happy???? how rude, I love seeing people happy, the people I like anyway. As for you dear, sweet, melting rapidly Rachel, if you are happy then that's good, if however, you are not, even better, because when people have stabbed me in the back and lied about me, the thought that their lives might be a little on the shitty side makes me feel ecstatic, there's a bit of schadenfreude (my new favourite word) in us all petal.

As for people being happy, you don't look very joyful in this picture:

Or this one:

Or even this one:

I on the other hand, am feeling pretty much fanbloodytastic at the moment, I wonder if it has anything to do with being back in bitchy mode? probably :o)

Anyhoo, that's all I can be bothered with right now and I think I have made my point. I will always reserve judgement and allow people one mistake. Should you do me over a second time though, which also includes attacking my friends, I will come out firing on all cylinders until you regret the day you crossed me 


Obviously I have only assumed that the PW that Rachel is talking about in her FB comment is me. Should it transpire that she was actually referring to Pete "The Hitman" Waterman, then not only do I apologise, but I also suggest that Mr Waterman considers taking legal advice as he has clearly done something to upset Ms Firth.

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