Thursday 22 September 2011

God Help Us All

I see that Kay Pollitt is standing as a candidate in a by-election called in Salford.

A Face That Would Scare A Police Horse? Or print out a copy, place on your mantelpiece and use it as a deterrent to keep young children away from the fire.

Is she seriously the best candidate they can muster? Apart from the fact that both her and her boyfriend Gary Tumulty look like typical council estate chavs whose sole ambition in life is to appear on the Jeremy Kyle show, she is most definitely not the sharpest tool in the box.

Would you want THIS representing your area?

I apologise for my revolting language in these comments, but when you are dealing with someone of this limited intellect, it is easy to become frustrated.

In case you can't see the picture too well, here are the close ups:

Good luck Salford if you end up with THAT being your local spokes person.

In other News, I see that a gentleman by the name of Kevin Riddiough will be standing in the Barnsley St Helens ward by-election for the English Democrats against the gorgeous Danny Cooke.

Most people know my views on the EDs, suffice to say, I am not their biggest fan. However, in this case I will make an exception and wish Kevin the very best of luck. If you can kick Danny's arse all the way back to his gangster ghetto with his tail in between his legs, you'll do for me.

1 comment:

In The Know said...

I understand that she is pregnant with that thick turd Tumulty's kid. I wonder what her other kids think about that? You know, the ones that she walked out on to be with Tumulty. I hope his parenting skills are good, just incase he pulls the same stunt on him. Not that I care about him - it's the poor kids I feel sorry for!