Saturday 24 September 2011

17 Weeks And Counting

Today will be my 17th Saturday in a row staying in. I haven't been out in over 4 months and I must admit to feeling a little stir crazy. I have a night out planned next month though, so at least I have something to look forward to.

Another thing I was looking forward to was watching the much hyped BNP v BBC video. 

The video which is an extended preview of the previous preview which was a preview to the whole video that you will have to pay £10 for or subscribe to the VoF to see was nothing more than............ well..................... a bit of a let down.

What we see for the first 4 and a half minutes is Nick doing his usual woe is me, they're always picking on us piece to camera, followed by some silly vote in which it was decided that a statement would be read out to the BBC film crew telling them that they would not be talking to them. That was a head scratcher to be honest. While I totally agree that the BBC shouldn't be given any assistance what so ever, I didn't see the point in the whole faffing around in the first place.

In my humble opinion, the statement should have been read out and then nothing further said or done, the meeting should have been ended there and then and the film crew asked to leave.

But no, they couldn't do that could they, where's the drama in that? 

We see Nick sat at the top table with his little Nick Griffin MEP sign in front of him, just in case nobody knew who he was, along with Simon "I guarantee to have the BNP back on QT within 12 months" Darby and for some reason the giraffe necked Claudia Dalgleish looking startled as usual, or is it Botox? Claudia is the recently self appointed queen of the Party, serial leadership backside licker and an example of exactly the type of woman I can't stand. One only needs to briefly peruse her Facebook profile at the drooling hangers on and her sanctimonious comments to see the kind of person she is.

What next? We then see Simon Darby attempt to verbally annihilate the Panorama film crew. Verbal annihilation BNP style it would seem, is to speak more loudly and over the other person whilst throwing random accusations in their faces, kettling them in to the point that one is visibly shaken and sweating profusely then getting them to leave.

That leaves us with two options. Will the Panorama crew..........

A) Have left the venue, immediately headed straight back to the BBC offices, informed everyone that they have been totally wrong about the BNP and should be ashamed to have treated them so poorly in the past and go on to make a totally fair and unbiased programme which includes an official statement from the Heads of the BBC apologising for being completely wrong about the BNP and informing the British public that they will now all be voting for them in the future.

Or is it............

B) That the film taken that day by the BBC crew will be used in the Panorama programme to make the Party look like bullies, aggressive, needlessly argumentative and altogether a bit stupid?

Hmmmmmmm, it's a thinker.

To me, that video has shown nothing more than yet another badly handled situation, simply the latest in a long line of total cock ups that will be used against not just the BNP, but Nationalism in general.

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