Saturday 17 September 2011


I have woken up in a foul mood, so if you think I am a bit of a bitch already, you haven't seen anything yet. I feel sorry for anyone that even attempts to cross me today.

I have another screenshot that was sent to me earlier:

Now you listen to me you stupid bint. I didn't even see that article until I saw this screenshot and a thread on BDF this morning.

I was aware of it last night as one of my FB friends had inboxed me to tell me about your post on Danny's profile. Unfortunately I was on my phone at that time and couldn't be bothered looking for it, so I left it until today.

I haven't gone running to Lancaster Unity, I have NEVER gone running to LU or anyone else for that matter, with anything.

How many friends is it that Danny has on FB these days? I have been told it's around 1000, so of course, it's obviously me isn't that is giving this info to the reds, it couldn't possibly be anyone else.

I have seen the screenshots they have used in their article and I have never even seen them, let alone taken them myself, feel free to come and check my PC, I have plenty of screen shots that refer to Danny, all of which have been used on this blog and I think you will find I certainly haven't used the ones they have.

You have, yet again, put yourself in breach of the same Constitution they used to suspend me, by suggesting that I am, in some way in cahoots with the "enemy".

So here is my suggestion, one that I have made many times. Stop giving me the ammunition to attack you with. You leave me alone, I leave you alone, simple. Even someone of your limited intelligence can work that out surely.

Now run along Melted Welly, those windows aren't going to lick themselves now are they?

As for Knobert Taylor. Do you actually have any idea how many people are laughing at you at the moment. Your rants on FB are fast becoming legendary. In fact one of your good friends told me yesterday, that him and others are starting to think of you as a bit of a liability.

I am not even going to waste my time with you at the moment as you are doing a perfectly good job of making yourself look like a cretin all by yourself.

Updated 15:00, 17/09/11:

No Knobert you simpleton. You clearly visit this blog so why don't you actually try reading it properly.

I have sent NOTHING to LU, never have, never will. So that's you being reported again too for being in breach of the Constitution and "spreading malicious lies and rumours".

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