Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Looks like I may have rattled a few cages, eeeek!! Oh well, I guess I will just sit over here until I give a shit.

Actually, while I am sat here not giving a shit, I may as well take the time to let you into a little secret, you have to keep it to yourselves though.

A little birdy tells me that a certain someone has posted the following status on Facebook:

"So P**** W*** who is a true Nationalist has set up a blog called Filth Files attacking other Nationalists. When are people going to wake up and smell the coffee and realize what this woman is?"

I have a couple of issues with this.

Firstly it is THE Filth Files, however they get points for using capital letters, thus giving me and the blog the respect it deserves - 7 out of 10 for effort.

Secondly, they need to change the settings on their spell checker or stop watching tv programmes from the States as they have incorrectly used the American spelling of realise.

Fancy that, a dedicated British Nationalist not even being able to spell in their own language.

OH THE SHAME!!!!!!!! I say.........MOTHER..........THE SHAME.......

no, hearing aid must be on the blink again.

Now they seem to think that I am a wrong 'un, well I am, just not in the way they think. I am a wrong 'un because I have been wronged. I am not a red you silly billys, I have explained all that in quite simple terms, so simple that even you would understand it, try reading it.

I have already said, this isn't about the Party, Nationalism or Nationalists in general, this is about YOU, the people who have attacked me
and the ones who also breached the current constitution by attacking one of the Leadership Challengers.

Shall I write it big so that the fickos undurstand it?


There, has it sunk in now? God I hope so, I do hate repeating myself.

Anyhoo, following that status, I have also decided to come up with nicknames for the more senior members of The Filth.

I have come up with these:

RF - Welly
DC - Gangster
BT - London Knob
DL - Fence
CV - Burger Man
BG - Stoke Knob
GT - Fruitbat

If any of you can come up with anything better, feel free to get in touch.

If I choose your nickname, you could be in with a chance of winning a copy of the new book, "How To Quote The Magna Carta.......... Badly".



Kiss My Grits said...

I'm sure you will Fruitbat. Do you use the same spellchecker as The Gangster? the word is favoUr, not favor.

Kiss My Grits said...

Actually no, not at all, I am sharing the blog on Facebook and I couldn't care less who knows it's me doing it. PAULA WOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

Kiss My Grits said...

Ahhhhh yes, the screenshot certainly is a powerful thing. I too will be taking one of you accusing me of being UAF again, with no proof.

I suggest that you read the Ultimate Filth Off Challenge page Fruitbat. I can't wait to see yours xx

Kiss My Grits said...

Actually I have been thinking. Can you do the screen shot again, I wasn't smiling in the last one?

PAULA WOOD !!!! cheeeeeeeese :o)

And please take us up on the challenge, please, please, please, pretty please.

Anonymous said...

just who is paula wood???????????????????