Thursday, 14 July 2011

Fraggles And Flumps

A Doozer from Fraggle Rock and Perkin Flump
The relevance of these pictures will become apparent

I was contacted last night by Fruitbat's girlfriend. We had a very pleasant conversation actually as can be seen in the shots below. I am sure you will agree that she has an outstanding grasp of our beautiful language and I am sure that somewhere in the North of England there is a very, very proud English teacher.

I have chosen to edit out her name and picture (although we know who it is) due to the fact that she is looking forward to seeing this on here, so therefore will not give her the satisfaction. I shall now on refer to her a OATAPS (Obviously As Thick As Pig Shit).

A literary masterpiece don't you agree?

So OATAPS seems to think there is some sort of attraction towards Fruitbat. The man looks like a bald mutation of a Doozer and Perkin Flump.

I very much doubt that there is enough alcohol on the planet that could be consumed to make me find him even remotely attractive. You can sleep easy and rest assured that I most certainly do not picture him in my mind when I am having sex with my Husband (fairly frequently I may add. "Sex deprived prick"?? how very dare you).

I would like to take this opportunity to dedicate a song to Fruitbat, after reading the last paragraph from OATAPS messages, I couldn't help but think of one of my all time favourite songs, so enjoy and.................


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