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Hat Tip To Trainee Filth Finder Again For The Screenie |
My response to Danny's status is quite simple and I am sure will apply to quite a few other members too.
I renewed my membership purely so I could vote for Andrew.
I don't think that ALL the Officials are "corrupt scum", just a few of them. Another thing that many other members will agree with.
Now, on to the subject of activism. This is one of many comments I have seen over time that seriously puts a rocket up my backside.
I get absolutely sick and tired of the same old people constantly referring to another person's level of activism. As far as I am concerned, the non-member who puts their trust in the Party enough to vote for them, has just as much right as anyone to know or voice their opinions on the internal workings, or failings of the Party.
Just because one person might be out on the streets every week does not mean that their opinions are more valid than that of the person who happily pays their £30 each year for membership or indeed the person that only does so much as to put a cross in a box on polling day.
The fact that you do more than someone else, does not make you superior to them or give you the right to belittle or insult them.
A person who doesn't go canvassing or leafleting, do table tops or attend Party events, even a person who doesn't go to meetings, is no further down your imaginary chain of acceptability because of it.
"What have you ever done for the Party?"
"How often are you out on the streets?"
"All you do is sit on your arse"
"How many times have you been out leafleting"
"How many members have you signed up?"
All things that can be heard regularly coming from the mouths of the, "I am so much better than you and my place in the Party holds so much more importance than yours because I do stuff" brigade.
For the love of God, it's pathetic. You are only one step away from saying, "My Dad's bigger than your Dad". It's playground tactics of the worst kind because it is being done by adults.
You think that because you have a position of responsibility within the Party that it makes you some sort of saint or demigod. Well it doesn't.
The bottom line is that you cling desperately to your imaginary celebrity status within the Party, because out in the REAL world, you are nothing, a nobody, a person of such little importance in the big scheme of things that you could probably never amount to anything more than someone who, just happens to be a paid up member of a political party.
If you want to play the martyr card, I will play too. You say I do nothing, you're correct, right now I don't and quite frankly, why the hell should I? From the amount of "cyber" recognition and back slapping you insist on getting, you are clearly doing enough for the both of us.
However and whether you like it or not, for 2 years, I attended the meetings, I went to counts, I went out leafleting, I did the table tops, I even travelled to other areas a couple of times to help them out, I attended Party events and I also donated a fair bit of money too. Did I do those things as often as you did? no I didn't. Do I care? no, I don't.
I ran all the official Party pages on Facebook, the main Party page, the BNPtv page, Nick's MEP page, Andrew's MEP page, Chris Beverley's page. I moderated those pages for 7+ hours a day, seven days a week, I made myself available 24/7, receiving calls, emails and texts sometimes in the early hours of the morning telling to go on the pages to delete and ban anyone that needed to be. I answered any and every question that was put to me on them, I signed people up, I pointed people in the right direction, I generated a lot of donations, I even set up competitions where people could win a year's membership, membership that I paid for out of my own pocket. Anyone will tell you that when I had those pages, they ran more smoothly and more effectively than they ever did or do now.
So "important" was my role at that time, that the Party was going to pay for me to travel to the Wigton office and stay overnight, so that, not only could they show me exactly how they wanted me to expand the way we used Facebook, but so they could give me additional tasks such as contacting lapsed members, providing a welcome call service to new members and other things.
So "important" was my role at that time, that they wanted to put me on the payroll or arrange some kind of commission based salary. Tell me, have they offered to pay YOU for everything that YOU do?
Is it or should it be about the money? of course not, but when you are putting in the hours that makes what you are doing in effect, a full time job, anyone with half a brain cell would expect some degree of remuneration, a point the Party also agreed with.
Is it or should it be about the money? of course not, but when you are putting in the hours that makes what you are doing in effect, a full time job, anyone with half a brain cell would expect some degree of remuneration, a point the Party also agreed with.
So don't you dare even attempt to belittle me, you self-important, sanctimonious prick. Don't even attempt to assume that you are so much better than other people, because at that particular moment in time, less than 6 months ago, MY position in the Party was considered far more important than yours ever has been.
Anyhoo, rant over.
Thank you for flying with Filthy Cheese Airlines today, we wish you a safe journey, an enjoyable stay and look forward to seeing you again for your return flight.
1 comment:
Well said,Paula.
Mary C
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