Monday, 25 July 2011

D-Day And A Win Win Situation - For Me Anyway

And here we are, finally, Our D-Day.

Taken from a Statement by Returning Officer Geof Dickens concerning voting procedures:

"..... the 25th of July, when the final collection will be made at 1.30 pm."

"The verification of votes will begin at 2.00 pm on Monday the 25th of July. The bags will be removed from the container, opened and the envelopes counted then opened. Ballots will be placed with the side that has the voter’s name on it face up. The number will be given and checked against the database."

So hopefully we should have the results later on today, possibly overnight, or maybe even tomorrow morning.

As you can see from this picture, I don't hold out much hope:

As the title says though, for me, it's a win win situation. 

Andrew wins? We can finally start getting rid of the dead and destructive wood and move forward.

Andrew loses? I walk away and no longer have to tolerate some of the most repugnant people I have ever had the misfortune of coming across.

I still wish Andrew the very best of luck, yet I can't help but think that it's already a done deal.


Anonymous said...

That last sentence was spot on Paula.
Mary c

Nationalist Correspondent said...

Save half just to remind you of the victory for Nick, sharpen those scissors

Anonymous said...

Bye Bye Paula...

Anonymous said...

the silicone chip inside your head has switched to overload,your frothing, woodlouse.haha

Kiss My Grits said...

Ahhh Mummy Welly I presume.

Still writing as well as a chimp I see. At least you're consistent.