Wednesday 20 July 2011

UPDATE - The Ultimate Filth Off Challenge

I do love going through my inbox in the morning. Today someone (you know who you are and thanks) had sent me this link:

At last, I thought, a member of The Filth has taken up the Challenge which can be found here:

I rushed over there immediately and what do I find? Well, firstly they have likened me to a pig, fair enough, I'm on the large side, no biggy, they have also compared me to The Sugar Puffs Honey Monster, also not a problem, I always thought that it was quite cute, something to do with the furry eyelids.

So down to the business of their so called evidence. They provide the same images they always do, the ones of me supposedly commenting on Facebook on "red" or Anti BNP groups and pages. One slight little problem with that, none of the "Paula Wood" profiles they use are mine, here, let me show you;

Here is the link to my GENUINE Facebook profile, I will even leave in the URL, you will need to be signed into FB to view it:

Now here is what happens when you click on the profiles that they have used:

As you can see, the profiles don't even exist or have been removed. Here are some screenshots to further prove my point:

You can even try it yourself if you visit the blog.

In addition, do they honestly think that even if  I was doing that, that I would be so stupid as to do it in my own name? Give me some credit.

I also thought I would share the following shot with you of the lovely Bob Taylor sharing the link to the blog on his FB profile, with a fabulous little contribution from Mick Braun - Party Candidate:

I have decided to add the blog link to the list over on the right, for nothing more than entertainment value and a morbid curiosity of what complete tosh they will come up with next.

Clearly I am dealing with simpletons here, I do wish they would put a little more effort into what they are doing. What is the point of me putting my heart and soul into my blog when they don't even seem to want to put in the minimum effort.




Anonymous said...

Why are you people fighting eachother.

Kiss My Grits said...

I have the right to reply "anonymous" and I shall continue to prove that the things people are saying about me are lies. I think that is perfectly reasonable.